childhood, fatherhood

Build it and they will come

Maybe it’s cold outside, raining, the kids are bored, or you are bored, or you have simply done enough adulting for one week. Build a fort, build many forts. I can’t recommend it enough. Do you remember building them as a kid, and how freaking awesome they were? Of course you do!

Fort building not only helps you connect with your own inner child, it’s a rock solid bridge to bonding with your kids. Let’s face it, they’re total noobs, and you, as the master builder and foreman, lend significant skills and expertise to the whole project, all to the amazement of the new generation. All you need is a few sheets, some chairs or props and a little ingenuity. Whatever enthusiasm you inject, is reflected in the kids faces, they love it.

Be aware, post construction, you will have to play in there, having tea party’s and so on, and there maybe a password required for entry. Embrace that. Remember you are in a magical place that you created…. for them. Soon enough they’ll be too old for it, and you’ll just have to build them for yourself. I’ve built them with Brandon many times, and when I showed him the picture for this post, he smiled, remembering how much fun they were.

I remember one time, I left the fort up all day and after Brandon went to bed, I thought I’d hang out in it for a while. I grabbed some extra supplies and set up a bar, bluetooth speakers and a camping light. I Facebooked a photo, with the caption “Bar’s open in the cubby” and before you know it Nom and Helly dropped in to visit, somehow bypassing the password system, and hung out with me for a while. It really was like being a kid again.

Remember, life isn’t always about how much money you have, and some of the simplest ideas are the best, and create lasting memories.

So, what are you doing reading this? Go raid the linen cupboard and get to work. Connect with me on Facebook and show me some photos of what you have created, I’d love to see it.

If you need me, I’ll be in my fort. It’s got wifi.